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請問67暴動除了新浦崗既工潮外,仲有咩事引發大規模的暴動呢? 小弟想知多d(要做project),唔該哂。


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Hong Kong 1956 riots

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The Hong Kong 1956 riots began with looting and attacks by Pro-Nationalist on Pro-Communist citizens and property in Hong Kong during October, 1956, and soon developed into large, and violent, riots.

On 10 October 1956, the celebration of the 1911 October Revolution, which brought about the downfall of the Qing Dynasty, took place. It was an important Nationalist festival, however, a resettlement officer ordered some Nationalist flags to be removed, Shortly after this order was carried out, mobs spread out from the settlements to Kowloon, looting shops and attacking property known to belong to Communist sympathizers in anger. The authorities refrained from firm intervention, hoping that the disorder would die out with the festival, but by the next day a full-scale riot had developed.

The Communist areas were the main targets of Nationalist attack, the most violent incidents taking place in the town of Tsuen Wan, five miles from central Kowloon. A mob stormed a clinic and welfare centre, killing four people and ransacking the building. Prisoners were taken to the Nationalist headquarters and beaten. Communist-owned factories were attacked, and some people were brutally killed. Foreigners were not especially singled out for attack, but inevitably a number became involved. The worst such case occurred in Kowloon, when a car was fired upon and a passenger, the Swiss Consul's wife, was burnt to death. Most casualties occurred in the battles in Tsuen Wan between Nationalists and Communists.

The British now decided to take decisive action. Armoured cars of the 7th Hussars were brought in to reinforce the police, who were instructed to fire without hesitation. Communists were given sanctuary in the police compounds, and by the 12th the riots had subsided leaving 15 killed by the rioters, and 44 dead by police action.

In the subsequent trials four people were convicted of murder and sentenced to death. According to local newspapers reports, over 30 people were killed in Tsuen Wan alone, most of the victims were believed to be workers in leftist-owned factories.


Hong Kong 1966 riots
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The Hong Kong 1966 Riots was a series of disturbances that took place over three nights on the streets of Kowloon, Hong Kong in the spring of 1966. The riots started as peaceful demonstrations against the British Colonial government's decision to increase the fare of Star Ferry foot-passenger harbour crossing by 25 percent. One person died in the riots, dozens were injured, and over 1,800 people were arrested during the turmoil.

Contents [hide]
1 Origins
2 The Riots
2.1 4 April 1966
2.2 5 April 1966
2.3 6 April 1966
2.4 7 April 1966
2.5 Aftermath
3 Reference
4 See also

[edit] Origins
The Star Ferry was an important link between the Kowloon Peninsula and Hong Kong Island before the Cross-Harbour Tunnel was built in 1972. In October 1965, Star Ferry announced its intention to increase the fare for first class, from 20 cents to 25 cents. While third class fare would remain at 10 cents. The public worried that if the increase in fares was approved, other forms of public transport would also raise their prices. Elsie Elliot, an Urban Councillor, created a petition against the raised fare carrying the signatures of 20,000 citizens, but despite the opposition, the Hong Kong Government approved Star Ferry's fare increase in March 1966. The public was outraged.
參考: Wikipedia

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