請問你地公司若外國人打來搵某人.要hold電話你地通常點講架?1)just for moment?

2007-02-15 5:45 am
2)hold on please 若同事講緊電話你地又點回覆呀?萬謝^^^^^

回答 (4)

2007-02-15 6:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
如果想叫人hold 住, 可以講:
could you hold?
如果同事講緊電話, 你就話:
xxx is on the phone at the moment...
跟住有幾個options 你可以揀:
1. 問佢等唔等: would you like to wait for a moment please?
2. 問佢留message: could you leave a message? xxx will get back to you as soon as possible
3. 問佢會唔會想遲d再打來: Would you like to call back a little bit later?
呢d係基本, 你可以按情況自己加d修改, 例:
Would you like to leave a message....
XXX will get back to you shortly...
Would you like to call back, maybe in 5 minutes time? etc.
2007-02-15 9:16 am
1."Please wait for a moment." (請等一等。)
2."He/She is talking on the phone at the moment, would you like to leave a message or shall I tell him/her to call you later?" (他/她正在講電話,你想留下口信還是叫他/她之後打電話給你?)
2007-02-15 6:07 am
1) Hold on a second, please
2) I am sorry. XXX is on the phone, may I take a message for him/ her please? (If yes) I will have him/ her get back to you soon. (If no, and he'll wait) It's alright. Would you mind if I am putting your call on hold, please? (If no, and he'll call back later) It's alright. Would you please call again later, maybe in about 10 minutes, please?
2007-02-15 5:50 am
1) xxx (你同事名) is on the phone, may I have your message?
2. xxx (你同事名) is on the phone, would you please leave a message to xxxm, xxx will get you back soon.

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