should we cancel PE lesson from school?

2007-02-15 1:25 am
should we cancel PE lesson from school?


回答 (3)

2007-02-15 2:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
No, we shouldn't cancel it.
First of all, according to some of the research, a lot of HK student don't do enough exercise. They only do exercise in their P.E. lesson.
And also, some of the school think that the acedamic result is more important. So the number of the fat students increase. Some student hate sports / PE lesson. Or they don't have time to do so.

Instead, doing suitable exercise or playing sports can make us healthier and won't become so fat. Actually, most of the students like doing sports, etc.

Therefore, We shouldn't cancel the PE lessons in the school but we need to promote that the citizens, not only students, they should do more exercise.
參考: no
2007-02-15 1:44 am
1.Because if we cancel the PE lesson, the student will not have enough exercise, then they will sick.
2.Because PE lesson can relax our body.
3.Because we can have some amusement.
4.Because we can take a rest.
5.Because Pe lesson can make we rally.

This is my point.
Hope it can help you.
參考: Other
2007-02-15 1:37 am
NO.I don't think so.
PE lessons is one way that we can learn some new sport that we don't know.
Some of the student just play sport in PE lesson.If we don;t have PE lessons they won't
do sport themselves.their health will be bad

This all of my opinion

2007-02-14 17:39:22 補充:
D語法maybe wrong.同埋唔知有冇[串]錯字

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