
2007-02-15 1:12 am
我上網看過hkbu sce有個hr的diploma course,請問係行內的認受性有幾大?

回答 (1)

2007-02-15 2:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
As I know there is no advantage for a social worker to work at HR, and I also think the study about HR is not much benefit too, since there are many U grad major in HR work at other field now, the reason is the starting of HR is quite low, under 10K most likely.

The recognization of diploma is fine, but if you spend 2 yrs and money on studying and look for money, I suggest you to think about other field, it's not a good field if you look for a salary adjustment.

May be you can consider about sales job if you want to get more money and commission.
參考: ME - social worker's friend.

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