2007-02-15 1:03 am
想由成田機場站去新宿KEIO PLAZA HOTEL, 搭Limosene Bus好定Narita Express好??
如果晌新宿JR行去KEIO PLAZA HOTEL係咪行地面行人路去呀?

回答 (3)

2007-02-15 2:02 am
我覺得搭Limosene Bus好d, 因為係門口落車, 唔怕迷路, 而且而家Limosene Bus做近promotion可比平時平
如果你搭Narita Express, 當然不是直接去到門口, 要在日暮里轉JR到新宿, 跟住搵出口, 重要行約十分鐘先到呀!
繼我話搭Limosene Bus, 可以一上車眠一眠, 抖足精神, 到酒店放下行李後, 就立即可以出去來個血併呵.....哈哈!
2007-02-15 1:33 am
三月底前去,坐Narita Express,現在有promotion,Narita Express + Suica (1500円儲值+500円按金) 3500円,Narita Express 單程變做1500円。Suica是日本八達通。
連接成田機場只有兩隻火車,京成電鐵 Skyliner (並非JR) 及JR Narita Express。Skyliner 往新宿要在上野或日里暮轉車,車費1,920円。Narita Express 直達新宿 (要坐前半截列車,後半截在東京站後去品川、橫浜),平時車費2,900円。
我2月16號去Keio會坐Narita Express,出西口然後轉的士,650円攪掂。
新宿JR行去KEIO PLAZA HOTEL係咪行地面行人路去?
行去有兩條路,出地面就係行行人路,不過攞住啲行李行8分鐘我寧願用650円坐的士,同司機講 Kei-o Pla-za Ho-te-ru 佢地就知。識行可以行B1,唔行地面,唔駛點過馬路,唔熟新宿就唔好制。
Limousine Bus 係好方便,但車程所花时間不穩定,一般用90-120分鐘,door-to-door嘅代價係2900円。
怕煩同怕行,坐 Limousine Bus 啦。想盡快到酒店同慳番啲,坐Narita Express + Taxi。

2007-02-14 18:44:26 補充:

2007-02-14 18:47:30 補充:
樓下話Narita Express 要在里暮轉車,錯呀!
2007-02-15 1:22 am
after you arrive at Narita airport, as soon as you enter the Arrival Hall, you will see several booths/counters for transportation such as Keisei [train] lines, and Airport Limousine Bus. The cheapest way to get to Keio Plaza in shinjuku is to take the JR rapid service (about 1400yen one-way) first to Nippori station, and then change to the JR Yamanote line for Shinjuku. If you have a lot of luggage, this may not be the best option bc JR Shinjuku station is one of the largest and most confusing stations in Tokyo, and the walk from the station to Keio Plaza hotel is about 5 - 7 minutes (not a problem if you don't have heavy bags to carry, and that it's not raining).

If you want to go directly from Airport to the hotel with minimal walking, I suggest you take the Limousine bus, which is door-to-door service. The price is about 2900yen one-way, and if the traffic is not heavy, it's about 1 hr 30 mins... but I have taken the bus under bad traffic which took me almost 3 hours to get to the Century Hyatt hotel (across from Keio Plaza hotel).

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