
2007-02-15 12:16 am

回答 (4)

2007-02-15 1:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
For Overseas Student in Australia to apply Permenant Resident (PR), it is under "Skilled Migration Program".

Immigration will assest you if you have meet the basic requirements and enough points (120 at the moment).

There's a list of skills lists on the websites which lists many occupations points.

For your case, you will qualify for the basic requirement.

It is a matter if you gain enough points

Becuse your skill (Maketing graduate) would not gain you enough points.

Accounting/ Cookery/ Hairdressing are high points skills
參考: my experience
2007-02-15 9:01 pm
If u study makerting in Aus ,u cannot IMMI in Aus .u need to study NATTI +100000$Aus

or u can annt in Aus .This all can have 10point for ur IMMI .i think u need to study Account or nurse in Uni.u can IMMI because i have alot of friend study markert and they need to go back HK too .u need 120point for IMMI .

2007-02-15 13:03:20 補充:
if u finish ur degree ,u must apply IMMI only half years by laws.
2007-02-15 8:27 pm
你最好先去澳洲聯邦政府移民及多元文化事務部網址: WWW.DIMIA.GOV.AU 睇吓用學生身份夠吾夠分先, 我估都幾難, 因為家陣合格分數(PASS MARK)係120, 就算係後生,攞到10分年齡分數, 我都怕你吾夠PROFESSION 同 WORKING EXPERIENCE分數, 吾好隨便信果D响澳洲華人免費報紙D廣告話比你聽讀COOKERY或者ACCOUNTING實得. 佢地係用厘呃D大陸人架.

你計吓個成本: 讀個TAFE要多兩年, 一年約莫八仟澳紙, 兩年加埋生活費大大話話成四萬(廿四萬幾港元), 都吾保證一定批比你, 再加埋移民代埋成萬蚊澳紙.

吾夠工作經驗分數就等畢業之後, 返香港做返幾年野(最少要有四年)再响香港申請, 比响澳洲平少少, 不過最後吾好到差吾多三十先入紙喎, 吾見咗個十分影響好大架! 文件响返港前影印好攞去COMMONWEALTH BANK或者CHEMIST簽CERTIFIED TRUE COPIES, 慳返吾少認證費用架. 無乜TRICKY, 最緊要齊哂所有文件同認證本, 計埋自己夠吾夠PASS MARK, 咁就無乜問題, 我老公用做水喉資格申請(SUB CLASS 120), 我就申請SPOUSE VISA (SUB CLASS100), 文件齊備, 半年就批好哂, 年中我就坐夠可以入籍啦.
2007-02-15 4:55 am
市場學既學位唔會夠分搞移民既,不過你可以讀多個master就夠分,但至於咩科既master我要搵下先知,但我估多數都係relate to account呀之類既.如果唔想讀master,可以讀cookery同剪髮啦,我男朋友都係咁樣.不過提提你,如果你而家搞移民,即係2007年4月之後,你要坐成四年移民監先會拎到個citizen,呢個提議已經通過左喇.

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