about video in canon 850IS

2007-02-14 7:36 pm
i want to upload the videos that i record in the Digital camera to youtube, but it was being rejected. why and how to upload it?? is that the format problem??

my videos are less than 5 mins and is AVI format. the videos that i record from DV cam can upload.

回答 (1)

2007-02-14 7:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案
What video file formats can I upload?
YouTube accepts video files from most digital cameras, camcorders, and cell phones in the .WMV, .AVI, .MOV, and .MPG file formats.

How long/large can my video be?
All videos uploaded to YouTube have a 100MB file size limit. The longer the video is, the more compression will be required to fit it into that size. For that reason, most videos on YouTube are under five minutes long.

In addition, there is a 10-minute length limit for all videos unless you have a 10+ Minute account. If you have a 10+ Minute account, the length limit is lifted, but the file size limit stays at 100MB.

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