What is 三國?

2007-02-14 5:53 pm
What is 三國?

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2007-02-14 5:56 pm
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[編輯] 戰亂開始



[編輯] 董卓亂政

董卓想廢掉少帝劉辯,擁立其弟陳留王劉協為帝,於是用計壯大自己的勢力,並剷除反對者,如誘使呂布殺死丁原以奪其兵馬, 和逼走袁紹。一切準備好後,便立刻廢少帝為弘農王,而推劉協為獻帝(學者多以此為三國時代的開始)。逃出的袁紹不忿,在190年於勃海起兵,有十一路地方軍加入,推袁紹為盟主,史稱關東軍。董卓畏懼,於是鴆殺劉辯,火燒洛陽,挾持獻帝退往長安,一併強徙洛陽居民。其間,孫堅、曹操曾出兵攻打董卓,但得不到支援而撤退,關東軍也解散。(詳見董卓討伐戰)


[編輯] 群雄割據



2007-02-14 15:35:41 補充:
2007-02-14 6:02 pm
2007-02-14 6:09 pm
The Three Kingdoms period (Traditional Chinese: 三國; Simplified Chinese: 三国; pinyin: Sānguó) is a period in the history of China, part of an era of disunity called the Six Dynasties. In a strict academic sense it refers to the period between the foundation of the Wei in 220 and the conquest of the Wu by the Jin Dynasty in 280. However, many Chinese historians and laymen extend the starting point of this period back to the uprising of the Yellow Turbans in 184.

The three kingdoms were the Kingdom of Wei (魏), the Kingdom of Shu (蜀), and the Kingdom of Wu (吳). To distinguish these states from earlier states of the same name, historians prepended a character: Wei is also known as Cao Wei (曹魏), Shu is also known as Shu Han (蜀漢), and Wu is also known as Eastern Wu (東吳). The term "Three Kingdoms" itself is somewhat of a mistranslation, since each state was eventually headed by an Emperor who claimed legitimate succession from the Han Dynasty, not by kings. Nevertheless the term has become standard among sinologists and will be used in this article.

The earlier, "unofficial" part of the period, from 190 to 220, was marked by chaotic infighting between warlords in various parts of China. The middle part of the period, from 220 and 263, was marked by a more militarily stable arrangement between three rival states, Kingdom of Wei (魏), Kingdom of Shu (蜀), and Kingdom of Wu (吳). The later part of this period was marked by the collapse of the tripartite situation: first the destruction of Shu by Wei (263), then the overthrow of Wei by the Jin Dynasty (265), and the destruction of Wu by Jin (280).

Although relatively short, this historical period has been greatly romanticised in the cultures of China, Japan, Korea, and Vietnam. It has been celebrated and popularised in operas, folk stories, novels and in more recent times, films, television serials, and video games. The best known of these is undoubtedly the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, a fictional account of the period which draws heavily on history. The authoritative historical record of the era is Chen Shou's Sanguo Zhi, along with Pei Songzhi's later annotations of the text.

The Three Kingdoms period is one of the bloodiest in Chinese history. A population census in late Eastern Han Dynasty reported a population of approximately 56 million, while a population census in early Western Jin dynasty (after Jin re-unified China) reported a population of approximately 16 million. Even taking into account the inaccuracies of these census reports, it is safe to assume that a large percentage of the population was wiped out during the constant wars waged during this period.

Wars of the Three Kingdoms
Yellow Turban Rebellion – Campaign against Dong Zhuo – Jieqiao – Wancheng – Xiapi – Yijing – Guandu – Bowang – Changban – Red Cliffs – Tong Pass – Hefei – Mount Dingjun – Fancheng – Xiaoting – Southern Campaign – Northern Expeditions (Jieting) – Shiting – (Wuzhang Plains)






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