✔ 最佳答案
如果唔自己駛車, 我極之建議你參加local tour.
我上次同屋企人去, join 左" Gray Line" 佢地一個package, 3日full day (morning - 5pm) tours 送半日city tour. 可以任揀個3日去邊. 唔錯架. 佢地既服務幾好. 會去hotel pick up 你.
you can have a look of the trips they offer:
有tourism centre 係city, 去度先book 都未遲.
我諗你地都住係city 架啦~ 交通好方便, 有免費巴士圍繞city行駛. 有唐人街, 有supermark, 有得shopping, 一定有野食.
city 有幾個博物館, e.g. History, Art 都係免費入場, 幾值得去. 附近仲有個library 可以免費上網!
至於附近有名既景點, 就有酒園, victor habour, 德國村等. 都多旅遊網都有詳細介紹.
you can have a look of their official tourism website too:
city 附近坐10分鐘電車到有個海灘叫Glenelg beach, 好靚架! 一定要去!
另外仲有 Haigh's Chocolates factory 可以去參觀, 但記住之前要打去book位. 如果你join city tour 就多數會包埋.
Kangaroo Island 都好靚, 不過我地冇時間去唔到.
係機場拎本tourism guide 有地圖等資料齊全, 好好用. 個city 唔係好大, 一定唔會迷路.
Adelaide is beautiful, hope u guys will like it too!