Scale factor

2007-02-14 7:53 am
The diagram shows a scale drawing of a monsquito. The actual size of the mosquito is 1 cm and the size in the diagram is 5 cm.
a. Find the scale of the drawing in the form 1:n.
b. If the length of the wing in the diagram is 2.5 cm, find the actual length in mm of the wing.
(a)1:1/5 or 1:0.2

how do we dicide to put the actual size and the size in the diagram be the demonination and the numerater?


May you answer my question?...

回答 (1)

2007-02-14 7:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
The diagram shows a scale drawing of a monsquito. The actual size of the mosquito is 1 cm and the size in the diagram is 5 cm.
the scale of the drawing
=5 cm: 1cm
the actual length of the wing
=0.5 cm
=5 mm

2007-02-14 00:05:03 補充:
I agree with the answerFor the map, we say 1:20000 and the map is smaller than the real worldNow the drawing is bigger than the real thing. So the scale should be written 1:1/5 or 5:1isn't it?

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