我想問event management同做exhibition係未一樣

2007-02-14 6:53 am
我想問event management同做exhibition係未一樣???interview呀預備...

回答 (1)

2007-02-14 8:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
Exhibiton is a type of promotion activities, It is a part of marketing strategies for increasing sales & awareness.

Event Management is a type of PR activities. It involving launching difference kind of functions. It usually includes :
1. Theme
2. Messages to be delivered
3. Venues Selection & Decoration
4. Guests Invitation
5. MC

e.g. Wedding Party, Annual Dinner, Press Conference, Seminars etc.

Both requests good communication skills. But Event Management is better suitable for those person has good network e.g. good connection with reporters etc.

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