點解間間公司都要有organizational chart??

2007-02-14 5:21 am
p.s organizational chart=tere diagram of different positions in descending order

回答 (2)

2007-02-17 11:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案
An organizational chart is a chart which represents the structure of an organization in terms of rank. The chart usually shows the managers and sub-workers who make up an organization. The chart also shows relationships between staff in the organization which can be:

Line - direct relationship between superior and subordinate.
Lateral - relationship between different departments on the same hierarchical level.
Staff - relationship between a managerial assistant and other areas. The assistant will be able to offer advice to a line manager. However, they have no authority over the line manager actions.
Functional - relationships between specialist positions and other areas. The specialist will normally have authority to insist that a line manager implements any of their instructions.
In many large companies the organization chart can be large and incredibly complicated and is therefore sometimes dissected into smaller charts for each individual department within the organization.

There are three different types of organization charts:

Limitations of an organizational chart

There are several limitations with organizational charts:

It only shows 'formal relationships' and tells nothing of the pattern of human (social) relationships which develop.

It shows nothing about the managerial style adopted (eg autocratic or democratic)

It very quickly becomes out-of-date, especially in large organizations who change their staff regularly.
Example of an organizational chart
The following is an example of a simple hierarchical organizational chart:


An example of a line relationship in this chart would be between the division officer and the three departments Training PO, Division LPO and Material PO. These three departments are directly responsible to the division officer.

An example of a lateral relationship in this chart would be between Section Leader 1, Section Leader 2, Section Leader 3 and Section Leader 4 who all work on the same Hierarchical level and all report to the Senior Section Leader.
參考: HRCharter from Cezanne Software Organization Charting for SAP and PeopleSoft
2007-02-14 5:27 am
可以一眼睇清楚公司的內部架構, 工作範疇, 誰是幫誰, 誰管誰, 有甚麼事可以聯絡甚麼人. 高層可以了解/盤算要否請人, 如要, 應該點掉配.
員工亦可以清楚了解自己的位置, 自己的前途及有否進升機會, 如果係, 發展 "走勢" 可以點.
參考: 自己

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