help me to chang english!!!!!

2007-02-14 4:46 am
在這次專題研習中,往往都會遇到困難,但是經過我們的努力,學會怎樣相處,怎樣合作和怎樣面對從從的困難,也在研習中學到很多有關endangeredthings.And then I felt這次專題研習十分有趣,雖然我們有時有一點意見不合,但我們最後也能完成這項專題研習。我認為下一次的中文科專題研習,我會做得更好的!

回答 (2)

2007-02-19 4:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案
During the time we were studying on this topic, obstacles kept coming toward us. But after all our effort, we learned how to live with each other, how to work together as a team, and how to face all the problems. We also learn a lot about endangered things. I felt that this topic was actually a fun one, even through we have different opinions on it. At the end, we finally did finish this study. I believed that next time, if we have another study on a Chinese topic, I can do even better!
參考: me!
2007-02-20 2:18 am
In this special thorough study,Often can encounter the difficulty,But passes through our endeavor,How is the academic society together,How cooperates and how faces the high difficulty,also in thorough study middle school to very many related endangeredthings.And then I felt this special thorough study is extremely interesting, although sometimes we have an opinion not to gather, but we finally also can complete this special thorough study. I thought the next time liberal arts topic thorough study, I can do well!

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