sentence transformation

2007-02-14 4:01 am
I didn't ask him to resign. On the contrary, I tried what I could to persaude him to stay.
( combine, begining with Far from )

I was on the point of leaving when he arrived.
( begin: I was just about )

Do sit down, Mr Wong. ( begin : Won't )

回答 (1)

2007-02-14 4:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
I was far from asking him to resign. On the contrary, I tried what I could to persuade him to stay.

I was just about to leave when he arrived.

Won't you sit down Mr Wong?

第一題得唔得咁寫咖? 我想唔到還有乜方法可以寫 #1.
除非你寫 "Being far from asking him to resign, I was trying to persuade him to stay."

你還可以寫 "Far from asking him to resign, I tried what I could to persuading him to stay." 不過你咁樣寫就冇咁通.

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