
2007-02-14 3:23 am

runescape新手島點過關 ??? 其實我Lvl46

回答 (5)

2007-02-14 5:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
所有都係要同個導師talk o架喇,跟住跟指示去下一度地方 (有箭咀o架啦),以下係小小tips:
1. Wcing (Woodcutting) and Fming (Firemaking)
- 就咁按棵樹,o岩位就會變紅色×,跟住佢就話等一陣,你個character 嘗試緊chop down 棵樹
- 按tinderbox(個火柴盒),跟住按 d logs(木) = use tinderbox with logs → 點著個火
2. Fishing and Cooking via fire
- 之後要你去網蝦仔 (shrimp),佢會俾個net你,你就按個net再按個lake (湖),就會有shrimps,跟住佢會叫你煮熟d蝦,咁你就按生蝦 (raw shrimps),再按d 火(fire) ,咁就即係“use shrimps with fire”
3. Cokking via range and making bread
- 到cook啦,問個cook拿了 pot of flour 及 a bucket of water,你 按完pot of flour,再按bucket of water,或者兩樣倒返轉按亦得,就有個 白色圓圓o地的 o野(唔記得叫乜),你再按那白色圓圓o地的 o野再按個爐 (range),就整到bread
4. Mining and Smithing
(i) 先同個tutor talk,再去兩種石度 right click “prospect rocks”,要等一陣先可以知道咩石
(ii) 佢俾o左pick axe你你就可以mine copper (橙色的)及 tin(灰灰o地)
(iii) 又同tutor talk,埋去 furnace 度,按 copper或者 tin 再按 furnace,就有bronze bars
(iv) 再同tutor talk,佢俾個 hammer你,你就按bronze bars再按個anvil,跟住彈個表出o黎,你一定只可選dragger,整o左把dragger
5. Combat and Range
- 佢叫你wield dragger你就按一下draggar,或right click dragger 選“wield dragger”,draggar會出現到你的配置 (inventory,有個人身再有四個箭咀指住的那個icon)上;要你unwield dragger 你就去inventory right click dragger “unwield dragger”
- 跟住佢俾sword同wooden shield你,你又照樣wield o左佢,就可以入去打rat 囉!打死隻rat出番來同tutor talk
- 佢俾bow 同arrow你時你都要wield呢兩樣o野,在圍欄出面射箭
6. Prayer, Friend list and Ignore list
- 要climb up ladder 後行一陣有個神父同你講o下點用friend list 同ignore list
7. Mage (Magic)
- 你可以在配置上按bow 同arrow去unwield 佢o地,因為好易在cast mage 時變o左射箭,個tutor會俾d runes 你,你就按閃閃o下的那個icon (有本書仔),按level 1 的air strike再按 d chicken,咁成功一次佢就會問你去唔去Mainland o架啦!你一定要話去,如果唔係你就會stuck o左 o向 tutorial island度升咩level都最多去到3。

1. 按一樣o野令到佢俾白線圍住,跟住再按另一樣o野 = use XX with XX
2. 建議你在tutorial時喜歡的話就咩都train 到level 3,除o左 combat同mage囉!切記一到level 3 就好停,因為在tutoiral Island你唔可以過3。
3. 你可以用keyboard的↑↓→←掣來控制視線,咁就易睇d四周圍ge o野啦!(我就過o左好耐先知,都唔知自己之前點撐o既,直至被困upstairs,搞o左一兩日又log in 又log out,先開o左個新acc,跟住突然發現……)

希望幫到你啦,有咩runescape問題歡迎email /msn 小妹 ^^ (請按入小妹的檔案找)

2007-02-14 21:42:27 補充:
你lvl 46 咁你問來做乜架?waste我time??? =P (just kidding) haha if you don't mind u can add me and discuss da game with me^^
參考: 小妹經驗 =)
2007-02-16 1:20 am
1)chop down the tree
2)net the fish
3)cook the fish and make the bread
4)run and mine rock
5)smith the rock to make broze dagger
6)use the dagger to kill the giant rat ( 3 lvl )
7)use the shortbow to kill the ghiant rat
8)go to the bank
9)use magic to kill the chicken
10)talk to someone and he bring you to lumbridge
p.s. I'm 51lvl

2007-02-16 12:15:55 補充:
sorry,i'm 52 lvl
2007-02-14 5:59 am
你都46le你問怎樣過Tutorial Island做mut?

如果有問題補充,send 個 e-mail比我。
2007-02-14 3:56 am
I am 60 level
Add me chaupakhin
2007-02-14 3:31 am
參考: me

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