
2007-02-14 3:16 am

如果冇的話,,尼到有中文既灰姑娘.. 可以幫我譯成英文嗎?thank you http://www.angelibrary.com/children/gt/021.htm

回答 (3)

2007-02-14 3:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
唔知呢個得唔得呢 =] hope this can help u =]
因為too long, 所以我只post 個website 出黎....
不知this scipt ok嗎 ?!


2007-02-13 19:47:50 補充:
仲有一個係short d 嫁...梨都可以去看看... =]http://www.segnbora.com/cinderella.html
2007-02-19 1:53 am
Chinese Cinderella

The second masterpiece of Adeline Yen Mah is Chinese Cinderella which is also written about herself like her first stunning success – Falling Leaves. Comparing to Falling Leaves, Chinese Cinderella is easier to understand, so I recommend all young readers to read this before reading Falling Leaves.

Adeline Yen Mah's mother died after giving birth to her and that was when people started treating her like dirt as she was considered bad luck. Feeling unwanted and useless, isolation, humiliation, these were what made up Adeline's childhood. She not only received emotional abuse, but also physical ones. With the harm and ill-treatment from her stepmother and siblings, she tried hard to get her father's attention but all he did was ignoring and avoiding her. In the midst of all these awful things, Adeline somehow finds a way to survive, get accepted and to prove her worth. Chinese Cinderella is the compelling story about the brave and strong-willed "Chinese Cinderella".

Chinese Cinderella is yet another one of my favourites. Other than the anguish of Adeline which makes the book really touching, it is also morally encouraging as it can teach readers – especially teenagers – to live on any difficulties going on in their way-to-go lives.
2007-02-14 4:04 am
Chinese Cinderella

The second masterpiece of Adeline Yen Mah is Chinese Cinderella which is also written about herself like her first stunning success – Falling Leaves. Comparing to Falling Leaves, Chinese Cinderella is easier to understand, so I recommend all young readers to read this before reading Falling Leaves.

Adeline Yen Mah's mother died after giving birth to her and that was when people started treating her like dirt as she was considered bad luck. Feeling unwanted and useless, isolation, humiliation, these were what made up Adeline's childhood. She not only received emotional abuse, but also physical ones. With the harm and ill-treatment from her stepmother and siblings, she tried hard to get her father's attention but all he did was ignoring and avoiding her. In the midst of all these awful things, Adeline somehow finds a way to survive, get accepted and to prove her worth. Chinese Cinderella is the compelling story about the brave and strong-willed "Chinese Cinderella".

Chinese Cinderella is yet another one of my favourites. Other than the anguish of Adeline which makes the book really touching, it is also morally encouraging as it can teach readers – especially teenagers – to live on any difficulties going on in their way-to-go lives.

2007-02-13 20:07:44 補充:

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