
2007-02-14 2:29 am
Two point charnges of +6uC and -4uC are placed in a plane at the points (6m, -2m) and (0m, 4m). Determine the magnitude and the direction of force on each. Shows steps plz

one more question: 9. A particle carries a charge of +10uC. At what distance from the charge is the electric field: a) 10N/C b) 0.001N/C c) 0N/C d) infinity N/C Show steps too


What's Eo in the first question?

回答 (1)

2007-02-14 8:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
First question:
The diagram of the scenario can be shown as follows:


So applying the formulae of electric force, we can find that:


in which the negative sign of F means that it is an attractive force. And from the value of θ, we can say that:
The direction of the force on the negative charge is in the direction of 45° with the positive x-axis, in clockeise direction.
The direction of the force on the positive charge is in the direction of 135° with the positive x-axis, in anti-clockeise direction.
Q9) For (a) and (b), the value can be obtained using formula as follows:


now, for (c), since the value of E-field is zero, by the inverse square law, r →∞ and so the distance is infinitely large.
Conversely, for (d), if the value of E-field is to be infinity, r→0 which implies that the position is at the point charge itself.

2007-02-14 11:11:56 補充:
Applying the formula for E=Q/4πεr^2, we have:Eo at -4uC charge = 749 V/m in the direction of towards it along the dotted line.Eo at 十6uC charge = 500 V/m in the direction away it along the dotted line.
參考: My Physics knowledge

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