I love her??

2007-02-13 10:53 pm
I'm a F.1 girl in a girls' school.I'm so confused that I love C(a TB in class) or not.Acturally, I was tricked by my classmates that I love C a few months ago.That time I don't feel anything but now I found that I love her.I knew her didn't love me but I can't control myself.I know my parent would be so disappointed if they know I'm a TBG.I just pretend as normal fd of C so I would feel better in front of her.Can anyone help me to face this problem?

回答 (3)

2007-02-13 11:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
既然你都清楚自己係鍾意呢個女仔, 愛情係要自己大膽增取的.
吾需要理人認同, 戀愛已經吾係一定要男同女. 其實大把人同你一樣你真係吾駛驚冇人認同你的. good luck!
同埋趁自己還有重來的機會&光陰.....要多d嘗試 多d跟隨自己的心但小心行差踏錯...
http://www.geocities.com/WestHollywood/3805/ 香港女人愛上女人
2007-02-14 8:36 am
i also a girl study in a girl school but i am a f.3 student . i also know some of my friend around me is a TB & TBG . and also know other older than me is a TBG & TB too but when they become older they also love man .. and become friend again .
but now you is loving someone who dont love you then i recomment you to forgot her or go out have some lesson or know more other friend outside you may find you real prince hope you have a real love soon ..
參考: me
2007-02-13 10:59 pm

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