help me~

2007-02-13 8:05 pm
請問點解我部電腦玩d online game 會超慢??

回答 (2)

2007-02-13 8:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
mat be :
1) internet slow
2) your computer slow
3) your windows registry

depan on what kind of online game your play. If you playing the fast moving online game may be inter net or computer.
If you a playing on line game like game in QQ may be registy.
If registry problem, you can downlown the registry cleaner to clean the registery. Than you can see the differ. (
For internet you can use some ISP web sit to check the speed e.g:
if both is no problem may be your computer hardware
2007-02-13 8:25 pm

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