
2007-02-13 6:35 pm

回答 (1)

2007-02-13 6:52 pm
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     文分兩段:第一 段說明垃圾增加的原因;第二段提出減少垃圾的方法。
 1. 對比效果: 正反現象的陳述 (經濟成長 vs. 環境污染)
 2. 列舉壞因:
  (1) 概括主因
  (2) 鋪路:準備列舉原因
  (3) 具體舉例:製造垃圾的人愈來愈多
  (4) 具體舉例:傾倒垃圾空間不夠
  (5) 具體舉例:丟棄可以再利用的垃圾
 1. 消滅壞因: 鋪路:準備列舉方法 (垃圾減量)
 2. 列舉方法:
  (1) 教育民眾:垃圾污染環境並且有害健康
  (2) 法律約束:制訂法規取締亂丟垃圾的民眾
  (3) 人情呼籲:呼籲鄰居儘可能多重複使用器物
 3. 總結: 推論 (方法做到----目標必定達成)
 In spite of the rapid growth of economy and technology, our environment has been seriously polluted. It is mainly because there has been a vast amount of trash. The reasons why we have more and more trash are as follows. First, the number of people who produce trash is on the increase. Second, we do not have enough space to have garbage dumped. Third, a lot of rubbish which can be reused is thrown away by people.  
  Here are several ways we can use to help decrease the amount of trash. First, we should get the public re-educated and let them know the fact that trash pollutes our environment and is harmful to our health. Second, we suggest our government enact strict laws to crack down upon people who litter garbage here and there. Third, we can call on our neighbors to reuse as many things which they have used as possible. Thus, we can have a cleaner environment to live in. (162words)
1. in spite of (儘管;縱使) In spite of his hard work, he failed the exam.
2. a vast amount of (大量的) The great earthquake caused a vast amount of destruction.
3. more and more (愈來愈多) There are more and more cars in the City of Taipei.
4. on the increase (逐漸增加中) Juvenile delinquency is on the increase.
5. be harmful to (對….有害) Smoking is harmful to our health.
6. crack down upon (取締) The police are cracking down upon double parking.
7. here and there (到處) Books can be seen here and there in the library.
8. call on (呼籲) Let's call on the public to stop polluting our environment.
9. as many…as possible (儘可能多…) She's always trying to read as many novels as possible.
1. have been + P.P. (過去分詞)
 This plastic bag has been used several times.
2. the reason why + 子句
 The reason why he didn't buy it was because he didn't carry enough money with him.
3. have + 受詞 + P.P. (過去分詞)
 I had my hair cut yesterday.
4. who (which)-clause (關係子句)
 I dislike the people who violate the traffic rules.
 The book which he bought for me is readable.
5. help + (to) + V. (動詞原形)
 Could you help me carry this box?
6. suggest (命令動詞) + that + S. (主詞) + (should) + V. (動詞原形)…
 He suggested that his students be attentive in class.

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