I need some advice

2007-02-13 11:53 am
我同我女朋友拍拖7年, 早幾年因為我係美國住, 所以要分隔兩地.
-年前我决定為左她放棄在美國的生活諗住大家可以finally get together
平時相處都幾開心, 但係她常常因為D小問題發脾氣(例如我有D planning 無話佢知, 無時間食飯)但當我主動约佢, 佢10次有9次話唔得(因為約左朋友), 打電話比佢, 次次講唔夠5分鐘就要收綫. 而且常常話我連佢D朋友都不如.
有-次仲因為我同佢講野大聲左, 佢-巴星個來, 話我唔尊重佢.

我每次都無發脾氣, 諗住同佢倾.
但係每次佢都唔出聲, even 我講足5小時, 佢都係唔出聲, 或者發更大脾氣. 每-次鬧交都要我認哂錯佢先calm down.

近來我要回美國兩個月, 佢想同我-起去, 大家相安無事, 佢因為要返工所从先回香港, 而我要留多1個月. 我話佢知想趕在情人節回去, 但結果因為工作上的問題我要遲兩日先返到. 結果因為甘佢話我重來都無放佢係心上, 要同我分手.

我對佢真係無哂辨法, 次次佢發脾氣都失哂理智甘


I'm 25 years old, shes 23 Thanks

回答 (3)

2007-02-13 12:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案

Well, 7 years itch haha, either she want you to say "Please marry me" or
just making excuse to break up with you.
You lady is playing game or something else happened.

She already has a change of heart. Stop wasting time la.
No girl should be able to hit you if she respect you. Without respect
how can the relationship continue ?

Remote relationship is always like this. As long as you have some
good time with her, then just treasure it ...

If she does not want to talk to you, let it be ... so many nice girls around you !
and in Hong Kong o ...

Man, speak for 5 hours without the other side response ? That is not a DIALOG,
IT IS A MONOLOGUE :P ... no use la ...

Is she very beautiful or offered you very good sex ? remember even so ...
she will get old ... those thing won't last long, if you care about long term ...
you guys need to be matching spiritually or the value system is matching ...

Now, I can see you are already frustrated, and not satisfy with her manner ...
BREAK UP la, don't worry ma ... if you are around 30, that is the GOLDEN
YEAR of man .... Let her be ... stop wasting time ...

Get a new girl, around 23-26 ... just get out of U and start working ...
have some good time with her, good sex and refreshment ...
forget that "old bitchy ex" ...

I won't even think about getting a conclusion with this kind of BS lady ...
I am very happy for you to break up with her .... haha

Good luck

2007-02-13 7:29 pm
2007-02-13 1:37 pm
I'm a female, perhaps I can give you some advice.

I think she loves you, but she has already lost confident in you during all these years while you're overseas, now she's just trying to Forget about you. You must not shown enough affection to her while you were not beside her during those years la.

Honestly, if a woman doesn't love a man, she wouldn't even care whether she is going to receive anything from this man on Valentine's. She'd rather him disappears, it's like: don't bother me.

The thing is, when the woman already lost confident in a man, it's hard to pick up that confident again. If you do love this woman, "chase" her all over again with lots of romantic little things, just tell her you love her, give her promises like an engagement plan or something, show that you care. If you don't love this woman, put this relationship to an end.

This is always why long distance barely work. Most men are not romantic and loving enough to handle a long distance romance, while most women demand lots of affection.

2007-02-13 05:39:50 補充:
It happened to me once.

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