should parents have a final say on who their children should marry?

2007-02-12 1:35 pm
or have an overbearing influence on their children in choosing a live partner?

回答 (41)

2007-02-12 1:50 pm
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2007-02-12 1:47 pm
If a parent has done a good job raising a child, taught them to be good judges of character, taught them what qualities are admirable in a spouse, showed them how to treat a spouse and how a spouse should treat them, shown them how to love and support another person, and warned them about characteristics to avoid while dating, then there's not much else they can do when it comes to marrying.

Personally, I highly value my parents' opinions, so I would have definately thought twice about marrying someone of whom they did not approve -- I know that my parents want what's best for me, so if they really had something against a guy, there's probably a good reason. Unfortunately, not everyone has that relationship with their parents.
2007-02-12 2:06 pm
It depends on the society in which one lives...Many societies believe in pre-arranged marriages....some believe in the parents having the final say...yet others let their children decide on their own. I prefer to be able to choose myself, BUT this can be very hard if I were in a different society...There can be some very bad consequences for those that do not follow their societies beliefs..
2007-02-12 2:04 pm
i don't think parents should choose you have the right to marry the person you love, it's suppose to be the personne you want to spend the rest of your life with and not because your parents force you to ,it's 21st century but it's normal that they worried if he has a bad past
2007-02-12 2:02 pm
the parent should voice their opinion and concerns in a loving manner to the child, but should NOT have the final say...the child will be living his life with this person,,,not the parent. If the child is old enough to marry, it's the child choice. Would you have liked your parents to have forbid you to marry your husband/wife?
2007-02-12 1:52 pm
That was on years and years ago,
Were on the new age.

I'm a parent, I would only be concern
but I wouldn't choose anyone for my
children to marry, I'll leave the dicision
to them.
2007-02-12 1:52 pm
What? Of course not! They can advise but not decide who the child should marry, after all its not the parents who will have to put up with that person day in day out for the rest of their lives.
參考: my own wisdom
2007-02-12 1:48 pm
No, I don't think parents should have ANY say in who one marries! After all they're not the ones who are gonna be living with that person for years on end.

Those parents who have an overbearing influence need to be stood up to in an assertive way...I don't mean argue and fall out over it, simply tell them it's your life and your decision.
2007-02-12 1:45 pm

Children should have a choice over who they want to marry. You may give your blessings, support or your opinion on the matter but you have no right over who they choose and nothign more than what I have listed above.

After all, they are the ones who are getting married. If the kids are not happy with your choice, they not only end up hating you but they will also end the marriage in divorce.

By allowing them to make thier own choice it allows them to make mature decisions and not keep relying on you; it's a sign of independence.

People make mistakes, if the marriage is a mistake, they will learn from it. It is ideal however, that they should not marry unless they have at least been in a 2 year relationship and that they are over 18. Recommended age is 30, when they have settled in and have significant life experience to make strong decisions.
2007-02-12 1:45 pm
No , a parent shouldnt have the final say, although.. i do believe a parents blessing is important to the marriage, marriage is hard enough with out negative feelings from anyone coming into play.. but i dont think they should have the right to pick and chose who someone marry's their not the ones that are in the relationship or the ones that have to make it last forever..
2007-02-12 1:41 pm

you had 18 yrs to give them the information to make the right choices in life to know how to make up thier own minds and to take the good with the bad

after 18 yrs you have to let them go even if you see they are not right for each other they will figure it out

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