東京6日5夜行程 請修改 (20分)

2007-02-13 7:29 am
以下是我plan的行程, 唔知順唔順路, 請大家幫手睇睇及比d 意見等我修改, 謝謝.

day 1 - 6:00左右由池袋酒店出去行行, 夾下公仔, 食下飯 day2 - 澀谷 --> 下北澤 --> 原宿 day3 - 新宿搭小田急去premium outlet --> 回新宿shopping day 4 - 上野 --> 築地 --> 自由之丘 --> 惠比壽 day 5 - 迪士尼 一日 day 6 - 早上起身就去成田機場咁滯 (下午3:00機)

請修改一下, 謝謝. 另外, 有些問題, 請大家回答:
(1) 築地我打算下午2:00左右才去, 關左門未呢? (2) premium outlet 值得去嗎? (3) 其實我主要係去shopping, 以上行程ok嗎? (4) 本來想去7日6夜, 但係又諗唔到仲有咩行程加上去, 又唔想浸溫泉, 還有其他建議嗎? (5) 其實迪士尼都去過, 可以不去, 又有其他行程代替嗎?

請不要copy別人的回覆去回答, 希望是有建設性的答案, 謝.

回答 (3)

2007-02-13 7:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
if shopping is your first priority, go to 新宿 istan first. all brands that are popular in HK (e.g. Zucca, Tsimori,....etc.) and new emerging brands are there. You can get tax refund if you spend not less than Yen 10K a day. not all department store have tax refund. you will find if you do this in 1st day, you will save a lot of time and money.

You will need one day for 澀谷 and places near by. you can skip 下北澤, 上野

築地 you should be there before 9am. or you will not be able to taste the very fresh sashimi there.
premium outlet- I am not keen on that but its personal.
visiting hair saloon is good. I have a Japanese cut and perm in Tokyo and they are really good. its a lot cheaper than in HK for Japanese hair stylist. got free magzines from am/pm (convenient stores) to get some recommendations and discount coupons.
2007-02-21 8:25 am
去築地的話, 要早上去, 而且不要在星期日去, 因為星期日休市的
2007-02-13 9:00 am
1) Please arrive 築地 at around 7:30am... have to line ups for good sushi... 2pm is too late lor. Go 築地 1st, hang around there until 10, you can then go somewhere else and start shopping!

2) Premium outlet... not that good at all....

3) check out 台場 also. Prepare to spend more time at 澀谷. Can sure skip 銀座 coz too expensive. Can also check out 秋葉原 if you want electronics and toys.
參考: me

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