
2007-02-13 7:21 am
Is there any other prefix to change a word to an opposite meaning(not including in-,im-,un-,dis-)?

Also, how to distinguish when do we use in-,im-, change a word to an opposite meaning?
But why not DIScommon?

回答 (3)

2007-02-13 5:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
英文的 Negative Prefixes 最少有十二個之多:
de- dis- dys- il- im- in- ir- mal- nis- non- un-

古德明在他的《征服英語》裏有提過其中三個 (in-/im-/un-) 的使用規則,不過他說有規則等於無規則,因為有很多例外。而且,由於拉丁字尾的字要用拉丁的 Negative Prefixes ,因此你也須要知道字的字源。還有,原來的字是甚麼字頭也會影響它該用哪一個 Negative Prefix 。


老土說一句,要學好還是得靠浸淫,沒甚麼捷徑。英語國家的人,不用拿著一張表 或一條規則,也知道甚麼時候用甚麼 Prefix ,就是因為他們每天都在用英語。試想一下你要教外國人中文,他會問你「反坦克導彈」,「抗衰老素」,「防火牆」,「不銹鋼」,「非典型肺炎」,「無添加」等等中文字首很難掌握,有沒有一條 Rule of Thumb ?當然,中文字首比較少,而且又沒有字源的問題,規則比較明顯,所以困難程度遠不及英文,不過,這個問題還是要多讀多聽才是有效。

2007-02-13 09:14:25 補充:
喔,對不起,第 10 個是 mis 不是 nis 。
2007-02-13 8:34 pm
There are no good rules to remember what prefix to use to negate the meaning of adjectives:

typical - atypical
normal - abnormal
proportional - disproportional
appropriate - inappropriate
legal - illegal
rational - irrational
mobile - immobile
relentless - unrelentless

Sometimes, a different prefix is used depending on the parts of speech:
able - unable / ability - inability
balanced - unbalanced / balance (n) - imbalance
selected - unselected / select - deselect

And in some cases, different prefixes are used in different occasions:
functional - non-functional - dysfunctional (verb: function - malfunction)
The remote is non-functional.
The family is dysfunctional.

Sometimes, you can pick your favorite:
John is uninterested/disinterested.
2007-02-13 7:34 am
irr- ,anti- ,non-

in this question, i can't answer you very well but to tell you "you sould distinguish the word which is verb. adj. adv....."

you can see that we always using "dis" on verb
like>> dislike

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