You and me 和 You and I 的分別

2007-02-13 7:21 am

回答 (3)

2007-02-13 8:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
object 同 subject 既分別

2007-02-13 00:19:47 補充:
you 既 obj. 同 sub. 係1樣i/me 既就明顯唔同咁用法都當然唔同啦~
2007-02-13 9:43 pm
有個好簡單嘅方法去分幾時用you and I 同you and me。
例句1: You and I shall go to visit the client tomorrow.
例句2: This thing will affect both you and me.

我問你,如果例句1唔要you,得番你去visit the client,你識唔識點講?小學生都舉手話識: I shall go to visit the client tomorrow.

同樣地,如果例句2唔要you,你識唔識點講?Again,小學生都舉手話識: This thing will affect me.

個答案就係咁簡單,點解多咗個you就唔識用 I 定用me?幾時用 "me" 定 "I" 同有冇 "you" 冇關係,he, him, she, her嘅情況一樣,睇下你係subject定object,唔好畀個"you"擾亂你。因為you既可作object,亦可作subject。

The prescriptive rule is to use "you and I" in the same contexts as "I" (i.e., as a subject 主詞), and "you and me" in the same contexts as "me" (i.e., as an object 受詞、賓語). Well, I presume a lot of people know what "subjects" and "objects" are and I won't go into details here.

最具爭議性係"between you and me" 定"between you and I" 。因為莎士比亞在威尼斯商人一書中曾用過 "between you and I". In "between you and me", since "you and me" is the object of the preposition "between", "me" is the only correct form.

He, him, she, her嘅情況一樣:

例句3: You and he will go to visit the client tomorrow.
例句4: This thing will affect both you and her.

假設 "you" 不存在,例句3變或He will go to visit the client tomorrow,而例句4會係: This thing will affect her.


喺句子前面用定後面用去决定用"you and me" or "you and I"不一定準確。
Counter example: You can't take on something that you and I couldn't handle.

2007-02-13 4:09 pm
1. Between you and I, he is a rascal.
2. Between you and me, he is a rascal.

以上邊句正確, 如答對又明就Okay明了.

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