F.2 maths(1 question)

2007-02-13 6:37 am
1.(3^2x)(27^ x+4) / 3^ 2x-1
*please show the process, thanks!

回答 (2)

2007-02-13 7:14 am
✔ 最佳答案

2007-02-12 23:18:31 補充:
remember:To multiply terms with the same base, add the exponents.To divide terms with the same base, subtract the exponents. When a product has an exponent, each factor is raised to that power. A number with a negative exponent equals its reciprocal with a positive exponent.
2007-02-13 7:07 am
(32x)(27 x+4) / 32x-1
= (32x)((33) x+4) / 32x-1
= (32x)(33x+12) / 32x-1
= 32x + 3x+12 – (2x-1)
= 33x+13

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