Will and Soon~~~~

2007-02-13 4:33 am
will and soon can use together???

i think not.cuz they are the same meaning.


am i wrong?

回答 (2)

2007-02-13 9:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
"Will" is a modal verb used to form the future tense, while "soon" is an adverb of time. Using both words in the same sentence does not introduce any conflicts.

You will soon know that will and soon can be used in the same sentence.
You will know very soon that you can use will and soon in the same sentence.
John will be home soon.
Soon Mary will arrive.
2007-02-13 4:55 am
I will join that company soon.
譯作中文便是:我很快便會加入該公司.句中"很快"相當於soon, "會"相當於will,兩字雖意思相近,但一起用也不會覺得意思重覆累贅.

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