NVOCC, As Agents & As Agents as Carrier 之分別

2007-02-13 3:30 am
工作公司是貨運(Freight Forwarder), 但沒有自己直接散貨拼箱出口香港, 只是和同行買位而已, 亦沒有加入香港貨運物流業協會(HAFFA)、國際聯盟貨物運輸業者協會(FIATA)及沒有國際貨運代理協會聯合會 - 簽發文件牌照,
1) 那算是NVOCC嗎?

2) 另一方面簽發之提單予客戶,可以寫以下字句嗎?
(a) As Agents Only
(b) As Agents as Carrier
(c) As Agents For (OUR COMPANY) as Carrier by :

3) 如客戶是 L/C 散貨或櫃貨 Shipment, 必須在提單上 Show "As Agents as Carrier
船公司名" 怎麼辦?


Bennethk, 能否用中文解說 ? 謝謝

回答 (1)

2007-02-13 5:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
You are regarded only as a local freight service provider.
To join or not to join those Freight Associations solely depends on your company having or not with qualifications to be internationally recognised by them and or by customers,
especially for those large shippers and consignees in USA and European countries.
Such qualifications represent usually would have license granted by those associations as recognised members, international customers would take it as security to ensure safety of their cargo being handled/custodied.
HBL/HAWB - if recognized can be shown " As Agents Only " this represents this bill of lading is belonging to an NVOCC under his/her brand name and liabilities.
There should not be issued " As Agents as Carrier " it should read as " As Agents for the Carrier" Excepting that your company is an actual Operating Carrier, such as having transport vehicle or aircraft or trucker etc.,
You show " As Agents as Carrier " which only shown on your own house bill not the master Bill of Lading issued by the Real Carrier.

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