The Saints

2007-02-13 12:34 am
( 3 ) Mother Teresa was born in 1910 in Albania . When she was a young girl . she felt called to serve God ans to help people . When she was 18 she became a ____________. She went to India , where many poor and sick people died in the streets . She and her followers cared for the orphans , nursed the sick , begged food for the hungry , and sheltered the dying , including the __________________ . .

[ continue ] Mother Teresa said that they were doing " something beautiful for God " . in 1979 , she was given the Nobel Peace Prize , to thank her for her work . Later , she was made a saint

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2007-02-19 11:58 pm
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( 3 ) Mother Teresa was born in 1910 in Albania . When she was a young girl . she felt called to serve God ans to help people . When she was 18 she became a __Missionary(傳教士)__. She went to India , where many poor and sick people died in the streets . She and her followers cared for the orphans , nursed the sick , begged food for the hungry , and sheltered the dying , including the __people with leprosy(痲瘋患者)___.

[ continue ] Mother Teresa said that they were doing " something beautiful for God " . in 1979 , she was given the Nobel Peace Prize , to thank her for her work . Later , she was made a saint of ___Nobel Peace Prize(諾貝爾和平獎)___.


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