急....please translate & correct. thks

2007-02-12 11:43 pm
Dear All

As the Lunar New Year approaches, Directors has arranged a 盆菜 dinner at our office's pantry on Feb 12 (around 18:00), the purpose is say thank you to all of you have supported and contributed to TMCL family over the year that we can express our appreciation and enjoy gathering in a warm, friendly atmosphere.

It is our great pleasure that if you will be able to spare the time to share this event with us.

Thank you for your attention.

Best Regards
Admin. Dept.

回答 (3)

2007-02-13 1:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
致 所有人

由於農曆新年將近,主管/董事將於 2月12日(大約晚上六時),在我們辦公室的茶水間/廚房舉行一個盆菜晚宴。該頓晚餐的目的,是為答謝你們所有人在過去一年為TMCL這個家庭的貢獻及支持,在此晚宴中,我們可以表達我們的感謝,以及享受在這溫暖和諧的氣氛中集會。



(1)...the purpose is to thank all of you for your support and contribution to TMCL family over the past year. This is the dinner that we can express our appreciation...
如果你直接將 that用係 year後面,就會變成「因為在過去一年,我們可以表達我們的感謝及享受在這溫暖和諧的氣氛中集會,所以要答謝...」你好似答謝政府俾自由你集會咁-.-"

(2)It will be our great pleasure if you could spare some(/your) time to share this special moment with us. / It will be our great pleasure if you could spare some(/your) time to participate in this event (with us).

2007-02-12 17:34:09 補充:
對了 盤菜有幾個譯法:1. poonchoi(大家樂用緊呢個)2. puntsoi3. pen cai(呢個好明顯係普通話拼音)
參考: 自己(如果仲有錯,請大家指正)
2007-02-13 12:55 am
盆菜=pun choi
As the Lunar New Year being approach

Directors will arrange

the purpose of dinner is to thanks for all of your support and contribution

TMCL over the year that we would express our appreciation and enjoyable gathering, friendly atmosphere are good as being family

to have this meal with us.
2007-02-13 12:17 am
With the Chinese New Year just days away, the Directors have arranged a basin meal at our office's pantry on Feb 12( around 18:00) to express their gratitude for your support and contribution to TMCL family over the year. It would be nice for us to celerate the festivity together in such a warm and friendly atmosphere.

It is our great pleasure to have you show up in the occasion.

Thank you for your kind attention.

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