how to write a thank you letter

2007-02-12 11:27 pm
各位我想寫信給地鐵公司多謝MTR職員的幫助. 我想寫得較official的信件給地鐵公司. 有冇人可以幫我, 或寫個format都好. 大概內容如下:

9/2/07下午約4時半, 本人乘搭地鐵於尖沙咀站, 因感冒引致身體不適, 出現頭暈嘔吐, 唯時幸得蒙貴公司職員陳大文的熱誠幫助, 本人深表感激, 對於貴公司提供乘客無微不至之服務精神, 特函致謝!

回答 (2)

2007-02-13 12:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
Recipient's name(if it is known) (日期放在右上角)
Department name
Company name

Dear Sir/Madam,

Thank you for helping me(置中)

(格兩個格 ) I am (your name), a passenger. I would like to thank you (陳大文) for helping me on 9/2/07 at Tsui Sha Tsui MTR station. He tried his best to help me when I felt dizzy.
(開新段)I will appreciate if you praise Mr.Chan. Thank you for all of you.

Yours faithfully(右)
(Sing your name)(右)
(Your name)(右)

lee 封信係比地鐵公司(經理)睇既,而唔係比陳大文睇既!
參考: 中五英文書
2007-02-13 12:04 am
you can write down your that day what thing to do , and why did you thank mtr ,fisinh you can take to mtr 站, and you can write down to

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