
2007-02-12 10:01 pm

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2007-02-12 10:07 pm
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荷李活道(Hollywood Road),亦有時稱作荷里活道,位於香港中環至上環,是香港開埠後興建的第一條街道。「荷李活道」的名字與美國電影業的荷里活無關,卻來自早年荷李活道一帶的冬青樹(Hollywood)。

荷李活道是殖民地時期首條街道,早在1841年英國人登陸香港島時便開始興建,在太平山山腳的荷李活道,早年尚未填海前乃接近海邊的,經過百多年來中環不斷填海,已遠離海傍甚遠。很多人以為荷李活道得名自美國加州電影生產地荷里活,其實道路名稱源自早年荷李活道兩旁種植的冬青樹(Hollywood),因此被命名為Hollywood Road,中文則音譯為荷李活道。這名稱出現時,美國的荷里活尚未出現。



Hollywood Road

Hollywood Road is a road in Central, Hong Kong, China.

Hollywood Road is renowned for its presence in various Hollywood movies, the first pictures of Hong Kong available to an international audience.

Hollywood Road is filled with trinket and antique shops of all sorts: from Chinese furniture to porcelain ware, from Buddha sculptures to Tibetan rugs, from Japanese netsukes to Coromandel screens, from Ming dynasty ceramic horsemen and kitsch Maoist memorabilia. The street runs between Central and Sheung Wan, with Wyndham Street, Arbuthnot Road, Ladder Street, Upper Lascar Row, and Old Bailey Street in the vicinity.

Hollywood Road was the second road to be built when the colony of Hong Kong was founded, after Queen's Road Central. It was the first to be completed. The Man Mo Temple was a place for trial in very early years.

Brief history

More than 100 years ago, Hollywood Road was rather close to the coastline, compared to the current position of Bonham Strand. It was the first road to be constructed in the crown colony, predating the development of the film industry in Hollywood, California. In those days, foreign merchants and sailors would put up the antiques and artefacts they "collected" from China for sale here on their way back to Europe. This is how Hollywood Road began its role as an antique market. In early 1960s there was a celebrated Hollywood movie called The World of Suzie Wong whose shooting was taken part in Hollywood Road. An old wood-built building was re-constructed as a bar for the movie scene.
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荷李活道65號前身是道濟堂 [1]國父孫文在港習醫時當到於此基督教聚會
荷李活華庭的南面正門在荷李活道,北面是德輔道中荷李活道(Hollywood Road),有時亦稱作荷里活道,位於香港中環至上環,是香港開埠後興建的第一條街道。「荷李活道」的名字與美國電影業的好萊塢無關,卻來自早年荷李活道一帶的冬青樹(Hollywood)。

[編輯] 特色

由於早年統治香港的英國人聚居荷李活道一帶的半山區,中環荷李活道南邊一段的蘇豪區英文名字「Soho」除了取源於英國倫敦蘇豪區外,起初也是來自「荷李活道的南邊」的英文縮寫「South of Hollywood Road」的。今天的蘇豪區充斥著不少充滿外國特色的餐廳和酒吧。



[編輯] 歷史
荷李活道是殖民地時期首條街道,早在1841年英國人登陸香港島時便開始興建,在太平山山腳的荷李活道,早年尚未填海前乃接近海邊的,經過百多年來中環不斷填海,已遠離海傍甚遠。很多人以為荷李活道得名自美國加州電影生產地荷里活,其實道路名稱源自早年荷李活道兩旁種植的冬青樹(Hollywood),因此被命名為Hollywood Road,中文則音譯為荷李活道。這名稱出現時,美國的好萊塢尚未出現。



Hollywood Road

Hollywood Road is renowned for its presence in various Hollywood movies, the first pictures of Hong Kong available to an international audience.

Hollywood Road is filled with trinket and antique shops of all sorts: from Chinese furniture to porcelain ware, from Buddha sculptures to Tibetan rugs, from Japanese netsukes to Coromandel screens, from Ming dynasty ceramic horsemen and kitsch Maoist memorabilia. The street runs between Central and Sheung Wan, with Wyndham Street, Arbuthnot Road, Ladder Street, Upper Lascar Row, and Old Bailey Street in the vicinity.

Hollywood Road was the second road to be built when the colony of Hong Kong was founded, after Queen's Road Central. It was the first to be completed. The Man Mo Temple was a place for trial in very early years.

[edit] Brief history
More than 100 years ago, Hollywood Road was rather close to the coastline, compared to the current position of Bonham Strand. It was the first road to be constructed in the crown colony, predating the development of the film industry in Hollywood, California. In those days, foreign merchants and sailors would put up the antiques and artefacts they "collected" from China for sale here on their way back to Europe. This is how Hollywood Road began its role as an antique market. In early 1960s there was a celebrated Hollywood movie called The World of Suzie Wong whose shooting was taken part in Hollywood Road. An old wood-built building was re-constructed as a bar for the movie scene.

[edit] Union Church
There was a Union Church in the street founded in 1844 by the Reverend James Legge, a Scottish missionary who had been sent to Hong Kong in 1843 by the London Missionary Society. The first Union Church was built in 1845 on Hollywood Road above Central. Every Sunday an English language service was held in the morning and a Chinese language service in the afternoon. The Church was later relocated to a new site on Staunton Street.

[edit] Man Mo Temple
Man Mo Temple or Man Mo Miu (文武廟) is a commonly sort of temple worshipping the Man Tai (文帝), Pau Kung and Mo Tai (武帝), Kwan Yu, to pray for good results in examinations in China. The one on the Hollywood Road was built in 1847. It has been managed by Tung Wah Group of Hospitals since 1908.

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