Translate : 衣帽間裡面既燈消左

2007-02-12 9:13 pm
Translate : 衣帽間裡面既燈消左 into English

回答 (5)

2007-02-12 9:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
如果係你屋企個衣帽間,可以叫做walk-in wardrobe 或者 walk-in robe
如果個衣帽間係其他地方, 例如音樂廳, 就叫cloakroom

The light in the walk-in robe is burnt.
OR The light in the cloakroom is burnt.
OR The light in the walk-in robe is gone.
OR The light in the cloakroom is gone.

如果你想講個燈泡燒了, 可以翻成:
The light bulb in the cloakroom is burnt.
OR The light bulb in the cloakroom is gone.
OR The globe in the cloakroom is burnt.
OR The globe in the cloakroom is gone.
參考: 自己
2007-02-13 3:53 pm
The light which is in the cloakroom has gone out

{ or }

Cloakroom's light has went out.

< Hope can help you...... >
參考: My self.
2007-02-12 11:17 pm
The light in the cloakroom has gone out.
The light-bulb in the cloakroom was burnt
參考: SELF
2007-02-12 10:11 pm
假設你所指的是 「衣帽間裡面既燈"燒"左」即燈泡壞了. 那英文可說:
The bulb in the cloakroom has burnt out.
以上假設衣帽間內只得一盞燈, 否則應改用 one of the bulbs (其中一盞燈的燈泡) 或 all the bulbs (所有的燈泡).
Burnt out 亦可用 gone out 來取代. 也有人簡單的只用 gone. 再說, 雖然有少數人會只用 burnt, 但這並不正確, 因為只用 burnt 是指物體被燒焦了, 但 burnt out 是指其本身「燃燒殆盡」, 就如形容蠟燭一樣.
若說燈泡的話, 另一個普遍的說法是 the bulb has died 或 the bulb is dead.
用 the light in the cloakroom has burnt out 是另一個較少用的說法; 但 the light in the cloakroom has gone out 則只是說「燈熄了」, 並非指明是「燈泡燒了」.
2007-02-12 9:20 pm

You asked:
Translate the follow words into English.

It should be:
The light in the cloakroom was gone out.
The light in the cloakroom was burnt.
I hope that the grammer has no errors.

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