
2007-02-12 8:53 pm
我係個中 5 理科生...e家d成績唔係咁好....但係好想過外國讀書..
相信離緊會考應該會有5科合格包英文..我d phy chem bio 都係用中文...
我驚如果過左外國讀中6-7先既話...我d phy chem bio都要轉返做英文既話

回答 (2)

2007-02-12 10:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
如果你係一個好努力 好上進既學生
我會建議你去美國讀community college再入uni
USA的community college 可以話係為左留學生而設的
佢地係兩年制既大學 係完成兩年制大學之後
你可以透過學校既轉介 以你係兩年入面考取既GPA
升入當地既大學 基本上只要有心讀 GPA 係3.2以上就可以入倒好既uni

呢d既兩年制大學入面既phy chem bio 基本上等同中四中五既程度

反面讀完中6中7先入uni 可能會有d浪費時間

* 如果再有d咩疑問
2007-02-12 9:25 pm
In your situation, i suggest you come here ( at least not Hong Kong, the ideal places for you to study is USA)

1 st reason: Since you are studying phy chem bio in chinese ( f.4- f.5) so when you come to here at least you have to study in english, however if you can come to here as fast as you can , u still have 1 year to study, for example in USA the end of the high school section is Grade 12 ( F.6) , then after your grade 12 education, you have to take either SAT or ACT tests. But if you come here very late, yes you are right you definitely dont have enough time to catch up because the english are difficult....when i went to usa last year, i have to use english to study , is very hard......so if you can come to here earlier, will be better. Also Hong Kong A Level is very hard. Although SAT and ACT is also hard, but i think is less pressure then Hong Kong.

If you want to go to usa, at least you have to take TOEFL.... to test you is it able to come to here to study.
參考: USA students

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