中六有關搵refractive index的實驗,有咩error?

2007-02-12 5:03 pm
A.determing the focal length of a concave mirror using no-paralla method.
B.Find the refractive index of glass
線﹐跟住在galss的右手面daw另一條斜線﹐不過尼條斜線在glass的右手面透過glass望過去時﹐會同左手面的斜線成一條直線。最後搵佢的angle of incident, refractive index of galss 等等.
C.Determing refractive index of water using the critical angle method.
procedure:首先在galss左手面貼上一條wet的紙條﹐跟住由galss的右下角望向左下角﹐直到看不到紙條﹐這就是glss的critical angle.


回答 (2)

2007-02-15 10:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
A: no paralla method, the major error will be the distance of focus, how do you know the sport is in focus?? there may be few mm error. if you are using noraml lens (no calibrated lens), is the objective along the optical axis ?? very hard the know that, but if you try to align, that will be 2nd error. and the 3rd error is, are your light source is monochromatic?? since each wavelength has different focal length for normal lens.

B: don't know what you are saying. may be have a diagram is better.

C: i think you are finding the refractive index of glass, not water. sicne i dun know your set up, if you use naked eyes to measure the angle, it is unacceptable! you need to look through with some kind of telescope or some tube. the error will come from what is the resolution of your telescope, or the size of your tube, this mean, what is the smallest angle you can identisfly? the 2nd one is your light source (bg light), is it monochomatic??

for all experiments, systematic error and human error should be included la,
2007-02-12 7:30 pm

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