
2007-02-12 3:42 pm

回答 (6)

2007-02-12 3:55 pm
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Just as expected, they really treasure the chance the angel give them.
They didn't read newspaper anymore when they are having a lesson.
They didn't eat, didn't daydreaming.... really absorbed to having a lesson.

** Hope can help you. **
2007-02-12 8:45 pm
As expected, they cherished the gift that angel gives, and did not see the papers, eat snacks and live in the world of fantasy and eventually put themselves into all the lessons.
2007-02-12 6:37 pm
Obviously, they really treasure the opportunities given by angels.

Don't read news paper, eat & drink while you are in the class.

Be concentrate & don't be a day-dreamer while you are in a class.
參考: SELF
2007-02-12 6:12 pm
It is true that they treasure another chance given by the angel.
They no longer violate the classroom rules such as reading newspaper, eating and day-dreaming. Since then, they do pay attention to classes.
參考: CE(ENG SYL.B ) - A ; AL (UE - AS) - A
2007-02-12 4:26 pm
第一個答案 tense usage 有D問題

They treasured the chance that was given to them by angels. They no longer read newspaper, ate nor daydreamed in class; they even paid attention in class.

向開頭加 As expected, 係可以, 不過要睇你上文下理, 應該可以有更好既連接詞

2007-02-12 08:38:56 補充:
如果你好想保留”果然”既意思,可以試下依句:They really did treasure the chance that was given to them by angels. They no longer read newspaper, ate nor daydreamed in class; they even paid attention in class.
2007-02-12 4:07 pm
Really, a good treasures angel the o already opportunity ~ to attend a lesson looks the newspaper not again, eats not again wildly. sends the daydream... well to be wholly absorbed not again 咁 attends a lesson
參考: .......

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