subject and object

2007-02-12 3:34 pm
I would like to know... if... in the sentence,

the boy hit the girl.

the girl is the direct object...

if it becomes passive,

the girl was hit by the boy.

the girl now is the subject...


回答 (1)

2007-02-12 4:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案

你可以咁諗 -- subject 即係一句句子既主角. 雖然兩句句子想形用既事情: 男仔打左個女仔, 係一樣. 不過兩句既意思會有少少出入.

第一句, 個男仔係主角. 句子解, 個男仔打左個女仔! 重點放左向 加害者 - 個男仔 身上

第二句, 個女仔係主角. 句子解, 個女仔被個男仔打! 重點放左向 被害者 - 個女仔身上

重有一個好好既証明, the girl 係第二句既 subject. 就係, 如果句句子冇左the boy, 都解得通. the girl was hit. 即係個女仔比人打.

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