
2007-02-12 9:34 am


回答 (3)

2007-02-12 10:45 pm
有d人真係個腦有問題,成日以為美個大晒咁,你估美國唔賣食物比中國,中國人就庶飯食咁,你估美國出聽,班中東佬就唔賣石油比中國咩 !!

中國唔係怕打仗,係知到打扙對兩方面都百害而無一利,你唔好當打仗係小朋友打交至得架,大人打交都諗清諗楚至打啦 .... 所以十居其九都打唔成,只有無乜腦d人先會出手打人。

如果講到美國佬咁幫台灣,台灣佬就唔使成日都只係攪小動作啦 .... 點解佢唔講話獨立呢 !!

2007-02-12 14:46:09 補充:
打錯字 ....... 庶 = 無、 聽 = 聲
2007-02-12 8:39 pm
China government only can talk in TW because they fear of war in TW.We china government leader son and daughter get USA passport and live in USA .If china have war in TW ,all china government leader money will freeze in USA government .USA will help TW .China government need food and oil in china but China need import other countries food and oil over 60% and this means China fright with TW after USA,Cananda,Aus,NZ will not import any food in china .China will die over 3billion people .No food and No oil cannot fright with TW but TW still have alot of food and oil.

Now china only can buy second hand army ship and only have 10 new armyship so China need to think japanese army will help TW to fright with china .

Now china government give up TW
2007-02-12 6:08 pm

2007-02-12 17:43:46 補充:

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