what is their meaning?

2007-02-12 6:05 am
evaluate the effectiveness of the operations in the delivery of service.
make your recommmendations to further improve the venue services.propose a project on retrofit, renovate your target venue following the different stages in planning with budget provision.
what is their meaning? and 我應該要做d咩野

回答 (2)

2007-02-13 12:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
evaluate the effectiveness of the operations in the delivery of service.
make your recommmendations to further improve the venue services.
propose a project on retrofit, renovate your target venue following the different stages in planning with budget provision.

2007-02-12 6:10 am
評估操作的有效率在服務交付。做您的recommmendations 進一步改進地點服務。提出一個項目在式樣翻新, 更新您的目標地點跟隨不同的階段在計劃以預算供應。

recommmenendation spelling wrong-->recommendation推薦

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