英文 commas 既問題!!!!!!!! 快d入來幫手ar!!!!!!!!!! 20分

2007-02-12 5:39 am
我作文好似成日用commas 咁.......以下句子的commas 是必要的嗎~?

1. Hong Kong is a free trade city, adopting a low tax policy, which lead to tremendous foreign investors into Hong Kong to do business.

2.Hong Kong, such a tiny city, should(竟)contain about 700,000 people, which seems to be a tinned sardine fish.

3.With such keen competition, including local as well as foreign companies, selling substandard good or charging at an unreasonably high price,probably, is an insensible decision for companies.

回答 (2)

2007-02-12 5:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
可以用的d 連接詞例如which, that, 也可把詞字調次序

1. As Hong Kong is a free trade city adopting low tax policy, it lead to tremendous foreign investors into Hong Kong to do busniness

2. Such a tiny city like Hong Kong could actually contain about 700,000 people, making it seems to be a tinned sardine fish.

3. With keen competiton from local and foreign copmanies, selling substandard good or charging at an unreasonably high price is probably an insensible decision for companies.
2007-02-12 1:24 pm
我或者可以試下唔用comma幫你重寫。好多時,我地加多左comma是有三個原因:Descriptive course可以貼住個noun而我地冇咁做;用倒寫的方法把descriptive course 1 和 2 掉轉,以達到比較華麗的句形,一兩下係可以,用得太多睇到人好累;太多閒字或重覆的字。

Hong Kong supports free trade with low tax policy that attracts tremendous foreign commercial investments.
[which leads to 可以用attracts代;Hong Kong去attract,咁當然係來番HK啦,第二個Hong Kong可以去掉。]

Hong Kong would probably remind you of canned sardine fish with a whopping population of 7,000,000 living in an area of 1,092 squared kilometers.
[香港有七百萬人,唔係七十萬。另外如果你真係想話人知有幾細,比埋個面積會好D。呢句我沒有用你的Subject reason result 句形,用了subject result reason,因為我覺得沙甸魚比較有趣,所以先放前面。canned或tinned沒有錯對,視乎你係英(tin)或美(can)。]

Fierce and yet rational competitions between local and foreign companies have characterized the local retail market with low marginal return and appealing quality of the products.
[第三句有太多反向思考,負面相反詞在英語中通常比較長,也比較轉折,少用為佳。我用了Econ的名詞 low marginal return去代替unreasonably high price,如果想保留你的用句,我會寫:]
Facing such a keen competition, local and foreign companies have to make sensible decisions such as providing products with high quality with reasonable price.

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