大個左 歌詞

2007-02-12 5:37 am

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2007-02-12 8:08 pm
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曲:少爺占/林一峰/Vitamin-M | 詞:少爺占 | 編:Vitamin-M/林一峰

個細路有日覺得好匆忙 發覺自己突然變得好彷徨
八月中要面對放榜 發覺睡房無人講得張床
放榜既成績唔系幾方便講 0甘就迫住要四周去亂闖
搵工搵學校仲要搵番自己 有無機會睇下你俾唔俾
個世界0甘大 我又未夠壞 要學習十誡 搞個人崇拜
個世界0甘壞 我又未夠大 要放棄學界 走進了材界
大個0左有用麼 只得我歲月蹉跎 讓我錯錯再錯
傷心過再來過 大個0左(冷卻了再燙熱過)
好多人其實未可以接受我 仲有好多事我又覺得唔妥
個細路一日之間變0左了大個 我一下子變得好無助
不停看看 學會不停望 在鬧市中遊蕩 找一天的盼望

One day the kid suddenly felt so rush
Finding himself so nervous
Had to face to exam results in Mid-August
Only a bed could be found in the bedroom
The exam results were better kept secret
So he had to rush from here to there and from there to nowhere
To look for a job, to look for a school and then to look for himself
Any chance? All depended on whether you would give or not

The world is so big,but I'm not bad enough
Gotta have someone to look up to
The world is so bad, but I'm not big enough
Gotta give up school and step into hte world of the talents

I have grown up , but any use?
Only myself to kill the days
Bear with my if I make any mistakes, again and again
Hearts maybe broken ,and let's start all over again
Grown up…
(If it's cooled down, let's warm it up again)

There are so many people still cannot accept me
There are so many things I still find questionable
A kid could become a man overnight
And i suddenly become so helpless
Look and look, I've learnt to hope and hope
Wandering in the busy city, finding some hope in the day

Repeat verse and chorus

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