
2007-02-12 5:22 am
我們的xxx樣品已於今天寄出. 請你們收到後立即向我們報價,並以符合美國進口測試標準的物料打製樣品.

note: no譯網pls

回答 (4)

2007-02-12 5:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
The sample has been sent to your office. Kindly forward your quotation after received of it. Pleased note that the sample is complying with USA importing testing standards.
2007-02-12 5:57 am
Samle(s) of our XXX has (have) already been sent out today.
Please provide us a quotation when you have received it (them), and produce sample(s) with qualified materials under U.S. Export Testing Standards.

2007-02-11 21:59:59 補充:
更正: 進口該 Import, 而不是 Export.
2007-02-12 5:39 am
Our product sample xxx has been sent out today. Please send your quotation to us upon receipt immediately, and make a sample with materials in compliance to the US import testing standard.
2007-02-12 5:32 am
We have sent the sample of product xxx to your office earlier today, please test the product based on US import standard and provide us with a quotation afterward.

收錄日期: 2021-04-22 23:29:11
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