
2007-02-12 5:22 am

回答 (2)

2007-02-12 5:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
I have the same problem. Many employer does not believe that I have unemployed for few years during interview.. I have tried to use many excuse e.g

Honest to tell the employer ... but no one believe....
My Dad got cancel and I take care with him..
Take a break....
Stay at home as I earn more in stock market
Pain in the loin,....

But all the excuses are failure

So, If you get any better answer, would you mind to inform me.
2007-02-13 9:17 am
唯一的解釋, I think is 最好的, 你可以講你還未找到合適的工作, 所以幾年來一直替人補習
Dont say you've been working part-time jobs. Because they might ask you to proof. But there's no way that they ask you to prove 替什麼人補習, may be alot of people. You may try that

2007-02-13 01:27:10 補充:
so they wouldnt think that you're lazy. Looking after sick family memebers, take a break and travelling of course wont work . That only works when u've been unemployed for a few months, not years. So try my suggestion.

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