
2007-02-12 3:39 am
在辦公室同事間,一般你不會問別人的年齡及工資,這是基本禮貌。但很多Fresh graduates不懂這禮貌,如果他的職位比你低級,我們可以禮貌地告訴他這是秘密,但如果他職位比你高,例如在一間大公司,你是工作了數年的文員,他是畢業加入的中層管理(而他是不需知道你的工資的),那應怎樣對應才不會得失那人又不會透露自己的隱私呢?

回答 (5)

2007-02-14 4:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
人與人之間多一些寬容, 多一些諒解, 大家才會相處融洽, 合作無間的!
既諒解他是新畢業生, 或許如你所說, 不懂這是基本禮貌, 又或不知這是不便透露的事呢?



多謝你的關心, 你唔arm我wor, 不要再關心我的年紀,免得我覺得自己很老呢!

又可回應: 薯....! 不要再問呢, 以免有人誤會你在辦公室性蘇擾同事wor!

其他問題也可類似方式題提醒他, 如問人工:
wah! 呢個問題你都夠膽問, 你唔係其他公司派入黎既商業間諜麻?

又可回應: 重問? 想知就自己想辦法查, 如果俾人誤會埋我, 就真係唔使再出黎打工la!
2007-02-14 1:02 am
笑笑口同佢講: "你問HR咪知囉"
如果佢話想你親口講, 你咪又笑笑口問佢: "點解呀?" 然後扮忙行開.
如果佢唔知醜再問你, 咁證明佢係一個幾乞人憎o既人,你就應該好認真咁問佢點解咁想知人o地D私隱, 如果佢黑面 or 為難你, 你可以同HR or 佢o既上級講, 等公司知道佢o既行為有D問題.
2007-02-13 6:48 pm
Each employee no matter s/he is at management levels or not, would have individual or different own deal with the company that depends on what the experience, skills and qualifications of an employee. Salary is often a secret matter like age information that should not be disclosed whatever, excepting government's salary pay scale is known in public. However, in government office, colleagues may not know each other's salary exact point and just by guessing salary at what particular levels in a range, for example let say from $10,000-15,000
Desclose salary information may violate company policy and create conflicts and discontent among employees--see the Equity Theory of managment studies.
A new joiner, or even a veteran, at managment level or not, if s/he is not in right POSITION to know your salary information that you mustn't tell.
You must stick on such the primciple above for ever, employer also want you to do that!
Of course, you may reply those colleague's silly question adding with courtesy and people skill like this " Sorry, my employment letter has stated that salary is a sensitive information that should not be disclosed!"

2007-02-13 18:03:45 補充:
If relationship or friendship is built by knowing friend's privacy for affiliation that you shouldn't care it! because this person is very immature and impolite!

2007-02-13 18:04:02 補充:
Will s/he tell you how many sexual affections a week with her husband or his wife, and what brief color today wearing, when is M-day?

2007-02-13 19:56:07 補充:
You have to correct such the wrong attitude of new joiner and graduate once they joined your co.If a new joiner and graduate already has such the bad attitude of unrespecting others, in future you would be suffered rather big than now

2007-02-13 21:25:55 補充:
Anyhow I think new joiners and graduates want to know whether they are receiving fair pay this moment, to compare their salary with veterans of current co,

2007-02-13 21:26:22 補充:
and their classmates who are working other firms, and try to make projection about own future career development at current co or not, and for a decision of STAY or MOVE
參考: own experience
2007-02-12 5:03 am
笑... 好少傢咋, 邊會好似你賺咁多吖...再笑....
2007-02-12 3:45 am

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