1條 ce英文 mc cloze...~! 唔識...係高手就快d來解答!!!!!! 真係唔該晒

2007-02-12 2:51 am
The children_______ generally spent their money on snacks, toys and computer games.

A.were surveyed
B.to be surveyed
D.had been surveyed

A. 係被動 ,但會有2個verbs~!!! so錯...
c.係主動 ,但children 是被動的....so都係錯...
""the children surveyed...""是""the children who were surveyed...""的簡化版...

回答 (2)

2007-02-12 3:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
其實你明唔明 the children who were surveyed 的句式是甚麼先?

全句應該是 The children, who were surveyed, generally spent their money on snacks, toys and computer games

咁 who were surveyed 是一句 adjustive clause, 佢用來補充主句的資料,在這例子中,主句便是 The children generally spent their money on snacks, toys and computer games

咁係adjustive clause 來說,是可以分為essential 和 非essential 的information, 如果係essential 呢,你可以用"that" instead of "who" 這個字,在這例子,這可算是不essential ,咁英文當中,我們其實係唔想將一句句字整散到好多句 (當然考試作文唔夠字,真的無辦法就另計啦) ,所以其實 who were surveyed 的 who were 就可以唔要佢,咁聽or 看的人,其實都明白你是用緊passive voice 和 adjustive clause 的補充資料

希望幫到你啦,係link 有介紹下adjustive clause 和佢的變化,有時間看看

2007-02-13 01:32:09 補充:
其實你的問題本身就是一個好好的例子law,The children, who were surveyed, generally spent their money on snacks, toys and computer games 變成 The children surveyed generally spent their money on snacks, toys and computer games 就已經少了兩個 commas 啦
2007-02-12 3:05 am

this must be right, trust me.

the children surveyed = the children who were surveyed.

but, if you use this:

the children WERE SURVEYED generally spent....

doesn't make sense because it doesn't have WHO in it

therefore, C is right.
參考: me

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