
2007-02-12 2:51 am

回答 (2)

2007-02-14 6:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案
去 7-11 便利店 買就有dollars ga la!
E個 方法方便得黎 又多人用
好似 仲可以 用 PPS, 不過唔識用!

去買mini-game ge 遊戲機放係 屋企
就有ga la~
去開post 問下 邊個 屋企 有得打 law
e個方法 都幾快 知, 又唔駛用錢

up-date 之後果3日 最多人玩
weekday 16:00 之後, d學生放學, 陸續會多人 ga la!
16:00 至 22:00 應該最多人 玩
星期6,日 就 18:00 之後左右 就多d 人氣
2007-02-12 3:20 am
you need to buy with the real money,
you can buy in 7-eleven,
but you can just buy $50 or $100,
you can buy in 電器 shop(mall 1),
it is for puting in your home,
and there is something giving you when you get the marks that they need,
another one is in mall 3 or press game,
when you go in,
you can find that there are many floor,
you can choose what you want to play,
and play with other user.
Sorry, i think in holiday is more people playing,
i can tell the correct time!!!
參考: myself

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