我想知道翻生侏羅館(Night At the Museum )既Summary & 主要人物

2007-02-12 2:19 am
我想知道Night At the Museum-- 翻生侏羅館 既Summary ( In English Please )..
& 主要人物, 要真名 & 戲裡既名 ( In English Please )
Thanks a lot ^^

回答 (5)

2007-02-18 7:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
This Christmas, it won't be a silent night.
The hallowed halls of the Natural History Museum are lined with the most amazing things - wild-eyed prehistoric creatures, fierce ancient warriors, long lost tribes, African animals and history's legendary heroes - all frozen forever in time. Or... are they? In the action-adventure-comedy, "Night at the Museum," the brand new night guard at the Natural History Museum is about to discover that when the visitors go home at the end of the day, the real adventure begins - as the museum's stuffed, waxed and well-preserved residents come out to play.

The fantastical adventure kicks off when Larry Daley (Ben Stiller), a down-and-out dreamer whose imaginative ideas have never paid off, finds himself in desperate need of a job. Larry has always believed he was destined for big things. But he has no idea just how literally gargantuan and hairy a challenge he will face when he grudgingly accepts the supposedly menial graveyard shift as a security guard at the Natural History Museum. On his very first night on the job, Larry is handed an over-sized flashlight and a dog-eared instruction manual, then left all alone in the eerily quiet, cavernous museum. At least, he thinks he's alone.

But wait, what's that noise? To his utter astonishment and disbelief, Larry watches in shock and awe as, one by one, the primeval beasts and storied icons that surround him stir magically to life - and total havoc ensues. Now, as Tyrannosaurus Rex and Attila The Hun carve a swath of destruction through the marble corridors, and lions and monkeys prowl the fragile exhibits, Larry is at a loss as to how to get the museum back under control. At his wit's end, Larry must recruit the help of historical heavyweight Teddy Roosevelt (Robin Williams) just to survive the night. Facing the possibility of losing his job and letting down his son Nick yet again, Larry must wage an incredible battle to save the museum, hoping to become at last the bold, adventurous dad he's always wanted to be. The man who's been forever waiting for his moment of greatness - just found it.
Main characters:
Larry Daley (Ben Stiller)
Teddy Roosevelt (Robin Williams)
2007-02-15 6:58 pm


2007年賀歲最重量級驚險爆笑喜劇《翻生侏羅館》(Night at the Museum),由荷里活頂級笑匠賓史迪拿飾演的「美國自然歷史博物館」夜班看更,帶領觀眾闖進館內,窺伺每晚發生最不可思議的事情──埃及法老王、神鬼戰士、侏羅紀暴龍、復活島巨石、西部牛仔、印地安公主,甚至匈奴王通通翻生,同場較勁,將這所神祕館翻天覆地!《翻生侏羅館》以最炫目的視覺特技效果,加入奇幻冒險旅程元素,讓想像力十足的世界真實地呈現眼前。世界上再沒有比這所博物館更熱鬧、有趣!
待業中的雙失中年拉利(賓史迪拿 飾)終於找到一份工作,就是進入「美國自然歷史博物館」當上夜班守衛。拉利本以為看守無人的博物館很是輕鬆,卻於首個晚上已發生了神奇怪事──身邊所有展覽品竟會瞬間復活!拉利整晚被暴龍化石震撼覓食,緊接著匈奴王軍隊、羅馬戰士,甚至山頂洞人、獅子、老虎都對他窮追不捨。拉利做夢也想不到,自己會身陷這樣糟糕的處境。
事出突然,拉利唯一能信任的,就是前總統蠟像羅斯福(羅賓威廉斯 飾)。在其協助下,拉利每晚都運用機智和膽色,應付這群難纏活標本,搶救幾乎解體的博物館──目的,又豈只保住飯碗咁簡單?

導演 : 桑勒菲
演員 : 賓史迪拿, 羅賓威廉斯, 奧雲韋遜
片長 : 109 分鐘
級數 : I
語言 : 英語 (中文字幕)
2007-02-14 9:25 pm
參考: 網頁
2007-02-12 2:30 am
導演: 桑勒菲(Shawn Levy)
主演: 賓史迪拿(Ben Stiller), 羅賓威廉斯(Robin Williams), 奧雲韋遜(Owen Wilson)
片種: 喜劇
日期: 2007-02-15


參考: YAHOO 電 影
2007-02-12 2:29 am
待業中的雙失中年拉利(賓史迪拿 飾)終於找到一份工作,就是進入「美國自然歷史博物館」當上夜班守衛。拉利本以為看守無人的博物館很是輕鬆,卻於首個晚上已發生了神奇怪事──身邊所有展覽品竟會瞬間復活!拉利整晚被暴龍化石震撼覓食,緊接著匈奴王軍隊、羅馬戰士,甚至山頂洞人、獅子、老虎都對他窮追不捨。拉利做夢也想不到,自己會身陷這樣糟糕的處境。

事出突然,拉利唯一能信任的,就是前總統蠟像羅斯福(羅賓威廉斯 飾)。在其協助下,拉利每晚都運用機智和膽色,應付這群難纏活標本,搶救幾乎解體的博物館─目的,又豈只保住飯碗咁簡單?

導演:桑勒菲 (Shawn Levy)
演員:賓史迪拿 (Ben Stiller)、羅賓威廉斯 (Robin Williams)、奧雲韋遜 (Owen Wilson)

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