Pure maths 07syl.

2007-02-12 1:58 am
我想問07年pure maths會唔會考arc. length?
thank you

回答 (2)

2007-02-13 2:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
No, the topics about finding arc-length by integration had been deleted since 2006
there are some other topic that had been removed, you may take a look of it
(i) Backwork induction.
(ii) Complex factorization of the form z^n + 2ncost + 1
(iii) Vector space (whole chapter)
(iv) Finding surface area, arc-length and area in polar coordinate form by integration.
(v) Improper integrals
(iv) 3 dimensional geometry.
2007-02-12 2:22 am
1 考試局2007pure maths課程綱要積分法的應用
Breakthrough Pure Mathematics – Calculus and Coordinate. Geometry (3rd Edition) – Y.L. Ng & K.M. Pang
中沒有計arc. length的章節

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