
2007-02-12 1:50 am
You are having a dream about your future. What do you do in the dream ? What is your job in the future? How do you feel? Write in about 30 words.

回答 (2)

2007-02-12 2:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
In my dream,
i was a fashion designer.
Being a fashion designer is my dream job when i was young.
I felt confitdent and fashionable when i was a designer.
I worn lots of fashionable clothes,
everyone was looking at me when i walked on the street.
They thought i was a supperstar!
2007-02-12 2:02 am
咁少字都要問人~~ 你咪真係諗下自己第時想做咩咪寫出黎lor
參考: 自己

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