concentration of solution (chem)

2007-02-12 1:17 am
A sample of concentrated sulphuric acid has a density of 1.83 g/cm and contains 94.0% of sulphuric acid by mass. What is the concentration of sulphuric acid in the sample? pls explain the question and show me the answer.

the uint of 1.83 should be g/cm3, not g/cm

回答 (3)

2007-02-12 6:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
Consider 1 dm3 (1000 cm3) of the conc. H2SO4.

Total mass = volume x density = 1000 x 1.83 = 1830 g

Mass of H2SO4 = total mass x percentage = 1830 x 94% = 1720 g

Molar mass of H2SO4 = 1x2 + 32.1 + 16x4 = 98.1 g mol-1

No. of moles of H2SO4 = mass / (molar mass) = 1720 / 98.1 = 17.5 mol

Concentration of H2SO4 = mol / volume = 17.5 / 1 = 17.5 mol dm-3

2007-02-16 6:19 pm
good ans.
2007-02-12 1:34 am
何謂 1.83 g/cm ? 
這可不是一個單位... 有沒有打錯題目?

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